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Week of Sept 20 (1).png



YUCCA's Policy Platform is based on our belief that we must quickly move forward policies that:

-Just Transition Planning & InvestmentEnd dependence on fossil fuel extraction and create actionable plans to transition our economy by modeling alternative revenue sources & community-driven economic development plans, assessing damage done by fossil fuels extraction & pollution, creating cleanup plans, and investing deeply in impacted communities' visions 
-Keep fossil fuels in the ground
-Protect against and clean up pollution​
-Promote & invest in renewable energy
-Policies that expand democracy and justice
Specific priority policies for this session include:
1. Just Transition Legislation
Establishing a fund from fossil fuel revenues to pay for the planning, research, development, and implementation needed to end our State’s dependency on fossil fuels and rapidly transition our economy.
2. Community Clean-Up Legislation
Remedying the historic harms against frontline communities by cleaning up the spills, radioactive waste, and other hazardous waste left behind by extractive industries. 
3. Emissions Reductions Legislation
Concrete emissions reduction standards that reverse our emissions and rapidly transition our economy by 2030 - the deadline set by science. 
​4. Funding to Address the Public Health Impacts of Climate Change
A fund to help local communities respond to climate emergencies and a program within the Public Health department to address climate change’s impact on the health of our communities called the Public Health & Climate Resiliency Act.
5. NM Green Amendment 
A constitutional amendment to include the right to clean air, water, and a sustainable climate to New Mexico’s constitution. 
6. Local Choice Energy
Breaking up the monopolized utility companies in New Mexico and giving ratepayers the ability to choose how their power is bought, sold, and generated - to open the door for local competition, which will serve as an economic engine for local development and allow our communities transition to 100% renewables without waiting for PNM.
7. 16 Vote Initiative
Expanding the ballot box to our 16 and 17-year-old peers so they can participate in local elections that directly impact their lives, like the school board.
8. Reformation of the legislature
Investing to equip lawmakers with the resources they need to lead our state.

Currently 98% of hydrogen production relies on fossil fuels. Hydrogen from water uses precious water resources we cannot afford

Onward to keep our elected officials accountable!

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