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YUCCA operates under the sets of principles that were laid out previously, including the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice, the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing, the St Paul Principles from the Neighborhood Anarchist Collective, and Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC).


In addition to this, we have certain understandings of the systems we are fighting and the solutions that we want to see:

  • The root cause of the climate crisis is colonialism. 

  • The solution to the climate crisis must be decolonial and Indigenous-led.

  • We know that us as young people will face the brunt of the impacts from climate disasters-especially those of us who are BIPOC, Indigenous youth in New Mexico especially know too well the impact of extractive industries.

  • Our fight against the climate crisis is also a fight against the systems of colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, and patriarchy. 

  • We must be anti-racist and feminist in our work.

  • We are fighting for a transition away from oil and gas that is just. This means justice for the harmed communities:


From our original demands and principles: 




  • Transition planning and implementation must be designed to address the needs and demands of those most affected by the climate crisis;​

  • Renewable energy investment must explicitly address equity issues, be paired with investment in energy conservation and efficiency, and be designed to maximize community benefits and control (such as community solar);

  • We are committed to centering the voices of Indigenous, (low-income) youth (of color) in the planning process, as our voices have historically been divested of any semblance of decision-making authority.


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