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YUCCA is part of the youth-led arm of an intersectional and intergenerational movement that is emerging from a long legacy of environmental justice organizing across New Mexico, the United States, and the globe – we know that we stand on the shoulders of giants in the movement for environmental, social, and economic justice. â€‹


Our struggles are intertwined with those of the elders and movement leaders who came before us. the struggles of those who came before us. Thus, YUCCA's formation and ongoing work is informed by the history and principles of the U.S. environmental justice movement, which guide our path on a daily basis as we engage in this work. These values and frameworks were born out of long legacies of leadership and organizing by BIPOC communities–they include the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing, the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice, the St Paul Principles, and Free, Prior, and Informed Consent.


You can learn more about these principles here and by visiting our Resources page. 



YUCCA is a part of coalitions in-state and across the country to better build our relationships, allies, network, and movement. These coalitions allow us the opportunity to collectively share and build our strategies and work with movement partners.


© 2020 Earth Care's YUCCA  (Youth United for Climate Crisis Action) Project

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